UCSF Rosenman Institute Presents: Dr. Sanjeev Arora’s Vision Behind Project ECHO

On January 21st, 2025, Dr. Sanjeev Arora, Founder and Executive Director of Project ECHO, sat down with UCSF's Health Technology Podcast to discuss the vision behind his transformative healthcare equity movement. Listen to the full interview below, or on the didactic archives of our website.

From the UCSF Rosenman Institute website:

Dr. Sanjeev Arora’s quiet determination and profound sense of purpose shine through in everything he does. A renowned liver disease specialist and visionary social entrepreneur, Dr. Arora has spent over 30 years creating innovative solutions to address some of the most critical gaps in healthcare.

As the Founder and Executive Director of Project ECHO, he has transformed healthcare equity with a revolutionary vision: democratizing specialized medical knowledge so no one, regardless of their location, is left behind. What began in 2003 as a small effort to address hepatitis C in underserved areas has grown into a global movement spanning 194 countries, empowering health workers and logging over 4 million attendances.

Dr. Arora’s passion for equity goes beyond treating diseases. His mission empowers communities to tackle systemic challenges like education and climate change while building resilient networks of knowledge that span the globe.

In this episode, Dr. Arora discusses the powerful story behind Project ECHO, the challenges of scaling such an ambitious model, and the transformative impact it has had on millions of lives. He also shares his bold vision of reaching 6 billion people and how shared expertise can strengthen entire communities.