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April 21, 2020
Dejan Micic, MD, The University of Chicago

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Describe the principles of preparing to discharge patients on PN
  • Implement best practices for teaching patients/ care-providers how to manage HPN
  • Describe best practices for prevention of common PN complications
April 7, 2020
Vanessa Kumpf, PharmD, BCNSP, FASPEN, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Articulate the steps in preparing a patient for home parenteral nutrition (HPN)
  • Describe the steps for safe discharge on HPN
  • Develop a plan for laboratory monitoring of patients on HPN
March 17, 2020
Carol Semrad, MD, The University of Chicago

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Identify indications for commencing parenteral nutrition (PN)
  • Identify contraindications to commencing PN
  • Analyze clinical, financial and social constraints to commencing PN
February 18, 2020
Kishore Iyer, MBBS, FRCS, FACS, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Determine the current and expanding indications for intestinal transplantation for SBS/IF
  • Describe the  choice of allograft organs in intestinal transplant
  • Summarize outcomes for intestinal transplantation in the modern era
February 4, 2020
Palle Jeppesen, MD, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Describe the principles of growth factor therapy in intestinal adaptation using teduglutide as the prototype growth factor
  • Summarize results of recent Phase 2 trials with long-acting growth factors in intestinal failure
  • Explain the future landscape for growth factor therapy in intestinal failure
January 21, 2020
Francisca Joly, MD, University of Paris, France

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Describe the use of growth factors in SBS/IF
  • Identify contraindications to use of growth factors in SBS/IF
  • Analyze current real-world experience with use of growth factor therapy in SBS/IF
January 7, 2020
Kelly Tappenden, PhD, RD, FASPEN, University of Illinois at Chicago

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Describe the interplay of probiotics and intestinal adaptation
  • Summarize the role of short chain fatty acids and diet in intestinal adaptation
  • Identify current areas of research in intestinal adaptation
December 17, 2019
Mary Brosnan, LCSW, Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Identify the psycho-social determinants of outcome in patients with intestinal failure
  • Describe the support mechanisms required for patients with IF
  • Summarize the need for psycho-social support in overall care of patients with short bowel syndrome and/or IF
December 3, 2019
Donald Kirby, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH

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Presentation Objectives:
  • Describe the principles of managing central venous access in patients on long term PN
  • Evaluate catheter-related complications in patients receiving  long term PN
  • Manage catheter-related, PN complications